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2023-08-01 16:48   


Introduction to Investment Environment of Bengbu City


I. Introduction to Bengbu City


Seated on the shore of the Huaihe River, the border between the north and the south of China, Bengbu was renowned for pearl fishing in ancient times, hence known as the "Pearl City". In 1947, Bengbu was officially established as the first city in Anhui Province. It now governs three counties of Huaiyuan, Wuhe, and Guzhen, four administrative districts of Longzihu, Bengshan, Yuhui, and Huaishang, and two functional zones of the state-level Bengbu High-tech Industrial Development Zone and Bengbu Economic Development Zone. With a total area of 5,951 square kilometers and a total population of 3.87 million, it stands as the central city in the Huaihe River Ecological Economic Belt with the vital support of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government and northern Anhui.

蚌埠是历史文化悠久的淮畔福地。是淮河文化和华夏文明发祥地之一。 距今7300年前双墩文化遗址出土的刻画符号,被确认为我国文字的重要起源之一 ;治水英雄大禹在此劈山导淮、召会诸侯,留下“三过家门而不入”的动人传说;奠定大汉基业的垓下之战,演绎了“四面楚歌”“十面埋伏”“霸王别姬”的千古绝唱;留传至今的汉民族最具代表性的民间舞蹈——花鼓灯,被周恩来总理誉为“东方芭蕾”,列为国家第一批非物质文化遗产。

Bengbu is blessed with a long history and culture along the Huai River. It is one of the birthplaces of Huaihe culture and Chinese civilization. The depiction symbols unearthed from the Shuangdun cultural site 7,300 years ago have been recognized as one of the critical origins of Chinese characters. King Yu summoned the princes to excavate the mountain to conduct the Huaihe River to the sea, leaving behind the moving legend of "passing by his house three times without entering". The Battle of Gaixia, which established the foundation of the Han Dynasty, performed the eternal swan song of "Besieged on All Sides", "Ambush on All Sides", and "Farewell My Concubine". Flower-drum Dance, called as the "Oriental Ballet" by Premier Zhou Enlai, the most representative folk dance of the Han nationality, is listed as the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage.

蚌埠是交通区位优越的枢纽重地。因为百年前开通的津浦铁路,蚌埠被称为“火车拉来的城市”,现今是全国性综合交通枢纽城市和生产服务型国家物流枢纽、国家骨干冷链物流 基地承载城市。淮河自西向东穿境而过,京沪、京福高铁以及京台、宁洛高速公路在此交汇,是国家综合立体交通网京津冀一长三角主轴路径关键节点。蚌埠站是京沪铁路一等客站,蚌埠南站是京沪高铁七大中心枢纽站之一,蚌埠港是千里淮河第一大港,4C级民航机场加紧建设,公铁水空无缝衔接的综合交通运输体系正在形成。

Bengbu is a hub with superior regional advantages. Tientsin-Pukow Railway which was opened a hundred years ago endowed Bengbu with "the city built by trains". Today, it is a national comprehensive transportation hub city, a production- and service-oriented national logistics hub, and a national backbone for cold-chain logistics and bases. The Huaihe River passes through the territory from west to east, where Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway, Beijing-Fuzhou High-speed Railway, Beijing-Taiwan Expressway, and Ningluo Expressway meet. It is a key node of the main axis path of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei - Yangtze River Delta, which is a national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network. Bengbu Station is the first-class passenger station of the Beijing-Shanghai Railway, Bengbu South Station is one of the seven central hub stations of the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway, Bengbu Port is the largest port along the Huaihe River and 4C-level civil aviation airport is under construction, signifying that a comprehensive transportation system with a seamless connection of public railway, water, and air transport is taking shape.


Bengbu is an industrial base with profound heritage. As the significant national old industrial base city, Bengbu is the place where the first bicycle, watch, air compressor, and radio were all born in Anhui Province. Today, it has formed an industrial system of more than 400 categories in 34 major industries and has 9 listed companies. At present, it is unswervingly promoting the strategy of strengthening the city through industry, and vigorously developing six emerging industries such as new materials and new-generation information technology. Among them, the new material industry, supported by the scientific research capabilities of China National Building Material Glass Design and Research Institute, has successfully developed the world's thinnest 0.12 mm touch glass. With China's first 8.5-generation LCD glass substrate production line with independent intellectual property rights, its products has entered the industrial chain of large-size displayers, breaking foreign technology monopoly. The industrial production of 30 micron flexible and foldable glass has been started. It is home to leading pharmaceutical glass manufacturers such as Corning Pharmaceutical Glass and Triumph Junheng.

蚌埠是活力持续迸发的科创高地。是安徽省第二大科教资源城市,获批建设国家创新型城市、合芜蚌国家科技成果转移转化示范区。拥有中国电科40/41所、中建材玻璃新材料研究总院等7家中央驻蚌科研单位和玻璃新材料创新中 心、发酵技术国家工程研究中心、微电子机械系统(MEMS)  国家地方联合工程实验室等10个国家级创新平台。汇集了安徽财经大学、蚌埠医学院、安徽科技学院等12所驻蚌高校和省内规模最大的现代化职教园区。

Bengbu is a highland of scientific and technological innovation that continues to burst out with vitality. As the second city with the largest science and education resources in Anhui Province, it has been approved to build a national innovation city and a demonstration zone for the transfer and transformation of national scientific and technological achievements in Hefei, Wuhu, and Bengbu. In Bengbu, there are 7 central scientific research institutes, including the 40/41 Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation and Glass New Materials Research Institute of China National Building Material Group, and 10 national innovation platforms including the Glass New Material Innovation Center, the National Engineering Research Center of Fermentation Technology, and the National and Local Joint Project of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS). 12 colleges and universities, including Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu Medical College, Anhui Science and Technology University, and the provincial largest modern vocational education park are seated here.


Bengbu is a treasure land with an excellent development environment. As a national civilized city, a National Double Support Model City, a national sanitation city, a national garden city, a national bus city, and a green travel demonstration city, it builds a national regional medical center and a national demonstration city for the construction of government under the rule of law. It enjoys multiple national strategic opportunities such as the integrated high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta, the high-quality development of the central region, and the Huaihe River ecological economic belt. Based on major platforms including China (Anhui) Pilot Free Trade Zone, the national market procurement trade mode pilot, and the national cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone, it continues to deepen cooperation with Ningbo City to create a new model of integrated cooperation in the Yangtze River Delta.


II. Introduction to the Industry


With distinctive industrial development characteristics, Bengbu is a vital comprehensive processing and manufacturing base in China. Bengbu is making endeavors to develop the value chain and industrial clusters. Focusing on the five major industrial clusters of new energy, new display, smart sensor, biochemical industry, and auto parts, it strives to supplement, extend, and strengthen the chain, thus promoting the boosts of emerging industries in scale and quality.


New Energy Industry Cluster. Focusing on the key areas and links of photovoltaics and lithium batteries, it's committed to tackling tough problems in key projects, improving quality and efficiency, and cultivating industrial clusters. It's home to leading enterprises such as Triumph Technology, BYD, and Baoxin Technology. The Material Glass New Material Research Institute of China National Building Material Group, located in Bengbu has completed and put into operation the world's first photovoltaic glass production line with one kiln and eight lines, creating many world firsts in one fell swoop. Power-generation glass by copper, indium, gallium, and selenide created the world's highest conversion rate, maintaining "the first place in China and even the world". The world's first marble pattern power generation glass with high technological content and architectural beauty was developed. Cadmium telluride power generation glass supports the green Winter Olympics. It accelerates the application of building-integrated photovoltaics and builds the world's largest single-scale thin-film photovoltaic building-integrated application demonstration project.


New Display Industry Cluster. A whole industry chain of high-purity quartz sand-high-strength cover glass, ultra-thin glass substrate, and flexible glass-ITO conductive glass-touch screen-display modules-end application products was formed. Through the strategy of attracting large and strong enterprises, it introduced a number of Fortune 500 companies and industry leaders such as K&D Technology, HiteVision, Shenzhen Dijing Optoelectronic Technology and Saint-Gobain. The self-developed 30-micron flexible foldable glass has reached the world's top level in product yield, leading the development of the global new display industry. The 8.5-generation TFT liquid crystal glass substrate which passed the 8K certification was introduced into the downstream large-scale industrial chain in batches, winning the first batch of 360,000 pieces of orders with over 100 million yuan. Also, it was awarded the excellent grade of comprehensive performance evaluation in the field of national key basic materials. The second phase of the project started, promoting "strengthening, complementing and extending chain" for the display industry. K&D Technology has seized market share and maintained its leading position in the display module industry. Its products have won mainstream customers at home and abroad, cultivating new profit growth points.


Smart Sensor Industry Cluster. It created industry leaders such as Anhui North Microelectronics Research Institute, Anhui XDLK Microsystem, and Sinomags Technology, covering all links in the industrial chain such as simulation design, wafer manufacturing, packaging testing, and application modules, emerging as the only one in the province and one of the few cities in the country that has both integrated circuit and MEMS wafer production lines. It is committed to building an industrial cluster with the largest number of independently controllable cores, the most complete types of sensors, and an output value exceeding 100 billion yuan, forming a domestic first-class and world-renowned China (Bengbu) Sensor Valley. Among them, Sinomags Technology, as an integrated manufacturing enterprise for magnetic sensors, is China-leading in multiple core capabilities such as magnetic sensor chip design, material preparation, wafer manufacturing, chip testing, and magnetic sensor module design and production. Moreover, it can realize entirely independent research and development, design, and production. Microprocessor MCU, intelligent power management, 5G voice transmission chip and other products independently developed and produced by Anhui Yuxin Semiconductor are distributed in major markets at home and abroad.


Biochemical Industry Cluster. Now three industrial chains of bio-based materials and bio-energy, bio-medicine, and new chemical materials have been initially formed. 91 industrial enterprises above the designated size are converged here, like COFCO, BBCA Group, and Anhui Bayi Chemical Group. Bengbu is making every effort to build a world-class bio-based manufacturing center. Tableware and clothing commonly used in daily life can be made of polylactic acid extracted from biomass such as grains and straws, displaying superior green performance. With excellent green quality, BBCA Group has become the official supplier of biodegradable tableware for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics. The second polylactic acid production line with an annual output of 300,000 tons in Guzhen County is stepping up equipment installation and commissioning. After it is put into operation in August this year, the annual production of polylactic acid in Bengbu will reach 400,000 tons, becoming the world's largest new biological material Polylactic acid production base.


Auto Parts Industry Cluster. Anhui Province released The High-Quality Development Plan for Automobile Industry in Anhui Province (the 14th Five-Year Plan). It is proposed that by 2025, the automobile production scale of enterprises in the province will exceed 3 million, and the production of new energy vehicles will account for more than 40%, striving to become a global intelligent new energy vehicle innovation cluster, make breakthroughs in the cultivation of world-class automobile industry clusters, and make the output value of the province's automobile industry over one trillion yuan. Anhui Province is making efforts to develop new energy vehicles as the first industry. Bengbu, by virtue of its own advantages, is seizing this opportunity to accelerate the development of auto glass, vehicle displays, vehicle sensors, etc., striving to make the auto parts industry cluster bigger and stronger. Leading enterprises such as Phoenix International, Nobo Automobile Systems, and Anhui Gichi Tire gather here, forming industrial clusters represented by onboard displays, filters, clutches, and sensors.


III. Introduction to Investment Environment


Sufficient Element Support. Bengbu has sufficient resources such as electric heating and skilled workers. Guodian Bengbu Power Generation has built 4 generator sets of 600,000-kilowatt generators and a national distribution station for West-to-East Gas Transmission. In this regard, the price of gas here is lower than that of neighboring cities, and 150,000 skilled workers are trained every year. In terms of land use, it promotes the reform of "getting certificates immediately after obtaining land". Signing the land transfer contract is an indication of obtaining land use planning, building planning, building construction permits, residential instruction manuals, and residential quality assurance certificates. In terms of employment, a list of enterprises with labor shortage and a list of migrant workers have been established to fully meet the various employment needs of enterprises. In terms of funds, 12 new industrial investment funds with a value of 12.7 billion yuan, and 2 new entrepreneurship and innovation funds with a total value of 200 million yuan will be established this year.


Preferential Investment Policies. The provincial government has issued 20 measures to support the high-quality development of Bengbu. "China (Bengbu) Sensor Valley" is one of the three major industrial development platforms in the province supported by the provincial party committee and the provincial government. Preferential policies for fixed asset investment, technological innovation, financial support, and talent incentives are introduced. The first is to encourage the newly-introduced industrial projects. For newly established independent legal person enterprises with first investment of 50 million yuan or more and included in the fixed asset statistics database, subsidies can be given at 10%-15% of the fixed asset investment. The second is to encourage foreign direct investment. For foreign direct investment projects with an actual capital contribution of 10 million dollars and above or foreign direct investment projects with a newly established (including capital increase) contractual foreign capital of 5 million dollars and above and also more than 30% of the actual capital received within one year, a one-time reward of RMB 0.01 per dollar will be given. The third is to implement referrer rewards. The incentive policies are launched for social referrals of investment promotion. Units or individuals who introduce investors from outside the city to invest in our city and promote the implementation of the project will be awarded a maximum reward of 10 million.


Excellent Business Environment. Industrial Internet thinking is applied to optimize the government's work process. The municipal party committee and the municipal government regularly visit enterprises, organize on-site work, and offer quick service for enterprises. The business environment is incorporated into the key tasks of the municipal government. For example, "list plus account canceling" shall be dispatched monthly, "one code pass" and "one license pass" shall be promoted, and license information issued by 18 types of departments shall be implemented by "one-window acceptance, one-time approval, and one-license certificate". The Bengbu Enterprise Service Platform has been built, and the enterprise support funds can be viewed and handled through the network and delivered with one click. The work of enterprise assistance, customer and recruitment assistance, and project assistance is put into effect and the round-the-clock government service map will be promoted nationwide. The "thousands of enterprises and individuals commented on the section chief" has been carried out to promote reforms with reviews and then improve works with reforms, thus eliminating the obstruction in serving the enterprise.



Introduction to Investment Environment of Bengbu City


I. Introduction to Bengbu City


Seated on the shore of the Huaihe River, the border between the north and the south of China, Bengbu was renowned for pearl fishing in ancient times, hence known as the "Pearl City". In 1947, Bengbu was officially established as the first city in Anhui Province. It now governs three counties of Huaiyuan, Wuhe, and Guzhen, four administrative districts of Longzihu, Bengshan, Yuhui, and Huaishang, and two functional zones of the state-level Bengbu High-tech Industrial Development Zone and Bengbu Economic Development Zone. With a total area of 5,951 square kilometers and a total population of 3.87 million, it stands as the central city in the Huaihe River Ecological Economic Belt with the vital support of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government and northern Anhui.

蚌埠是历史文化悠久的淮畔福地。是淮河文化和华夏文明发祥地之一。 距今7300年前双墩文化遗址出土的刻画符号,被确认为我国文字的重要起源之一 ;治水英雄大禹在此劈山导淮、召会诸侯,留下“三过家门而不入”的动人传说;奠定大汉基业的垓下之战,演绎了“四面楚歌”“十面埋伏”“霸王别姬”的千古绝唱;留传至今的汉民族最具代表性的民间舞蹈——花鼓灯,被周恩来总理誉为“东方芭蕾”,列为国家第一批非物质文化遗产。

Bengbu is blessed with a long history and culture along the Huai River. It is one of the birthplaces of Huaihe culture and Chinese civilization. The depiction symbols unearthed from the Shuangdun cultural site 7,300 years ago have been recognized as one of the critical origins of Chinese characters. King Yu summoned the princes to excavate the mountain to conduct the Huaihe River to the sea, leaving behind the moving legend of "passing by his house three times without entering". The Battle of Gaixia, which established the foundation of the Han Dynasty, performed the eternal swan song of "Besieged on All Sides", "Ambush on All Sides", and "Farewell My Concubine". Flower-drum Dance, called as the "Oriental Ballet" by Premier Zhou Enlai, the most representative folk dance of the Han nationality, is listed as the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage.

蚌埠是交通区位优越的枢纽重地。因为百年前开通的津浦铁路,蚌埠被称为“火车拉来的城市”,现今是全国性综合交通枢纽城市和生产服务型国家物流枢纽、国家骨干冷链物流 基地承载城市。淮河自西向东穿境而过,京沪、京福高铁以及京台、宁洛高速公路在此交汇,是国家综合立体交通网京津冀一长三角主轴路径关键节点。蚌埠站是京沪铁路一等客站,蚌埠南站是京沪高铁七大中心枢纽站之一,蚌埠港是千里淮河第一大港,4C级民航机场加紧建设,公铁水空无缝衔接的综合交通运输体系正在形成。

Bengbu is a hub with superior regional advantages. Tientsin-Pukow Railway which was opened a hundred years ago endowed Bengbu with "the city built by trains". Today, it is a national comprehensive transportation hub city, a production- and service-oriented national logistics hub, and a national backbone for cold-chain logistics and bases. The Huaihe River passes through the territory from west to east, where Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway, Beijing-Fuzhou High-speed Railway, Beijing-Taiwan Expressway, and Ningluo Expressway meet. It is a key node of the main axis path of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei - Yangtze River Delta, which is a national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network. Bengbu Station is the first-class passenger station of the Beijing-Shanghai Railway, Bengbu South Station is one of the seven central hub stations of the Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway, Bengbu Port is the largest port along the Huaihe River and 4C-level civil aviation airport is under construction, signifying that a comprehensive transportation system with a seamless connection of public railway, water, and air transport is taking shape.


Bengbu is an industrial base with profound heritage. As the significant national old industrial base city, Bengbu is the place where the first bicycle, watch, air compressor, and radio were all born in Anhui Province. Today, it has formed an industrial system of more than 400 categories in 34 major industries and has 9 listed companies. At present, it is unswervingly promoting the strategy of strengthening the city through industry, and vigorously developing six emerging industries such as new materials and new-generation information technology. Among them, the new material industry, supported by the scientific research capabilities of China National Building Material Glass Design and Research Institute, has successfully developed the world's thinnest 0.12 mm touch glass. With China's first 8.5-generation LCD glass substrate production line with independent intellectual property rights, its products has entered the industrial chain of large-size displayers, breaking foreign technology monopoly. The industrial production of 30 micron flexible and foldable glass has been started. It is home to leading pharmaceutical glass manufacturers such as Corning Pharmaceutical Glass and Triumph Junheng.

蚌埠是活力持续迸发的科创高地。是安徽省第二大科教资源城市,获批建设国家创新型城市、合芜蚌国家科技成果转移转化示范区。拥有中国电科40/41所、中建材玻璃新材料研究总院等7家中央驻蚌科研单位和玻璃新材料创新中 心、发酵技术国家工程研究中心、微电子机械系统(MEMS)  国家地方联合工程实验室等10个国家级创新平台。汇集了安徽财经大学、蚌埠医学院、安徽科技学院等12所驻蚌高校和省内规模最大的现代化职教园区。

Bengbu is a highland of scientific and technological innovation that continues to burst out with vitality. As the second city with the largest science and education resources in Anhui Province, it has been approved to build a national innovation city and a demonstration zone for the transfer and transformation of national scientific and technological achievements in Hefei, Wuhu, and Bengbu. In Bengbu, there are 7 central scientific research institutes, including the 40/41 Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation and Glass New Materials Research Institute of China National Building Material Group, and 10 national innovation platforms including the Glass New Material Innovation Center, the National Engineering Research Center of Fermentation Technology, and the National and Local Joint Project of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS). 12 colleges and universities, including Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu Medical College, Anhui Science and Technology University, and the provincial largest modern vocational education park are seated here.


Bengbu is a treasure land with an excellent development environment. As a national civilized city, a National Double Support Model City, a national sanitation city, a national garden city, a national bus city, and a green travel demonstration city, it builds a national regional medical center and a national demonstration city for the construction of government under the rule of law. It enjoys multiple national strategic opportunities such as the integrated high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta, the high-quality development of the central region, and the Huaihe River ecological economic belt. Based on major platforms including China (Anhui) Pilot Free Trade Zone, the national market procurement trade mode pilot, and the national cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone, it continues to deepen cooperation with Ningbo City to create a new model of integrated cooperation in the Yangtze River Delta.


II. Introduction to the Industry


With distinctive industrial development characteristics, Bengbu is a vital comprehensive processing and manufacturing base in China. Bengbu is making endeavors to develop the value chain and industrial clusters. Focusing on the five major industrial clusters of new energy, new display, smart sensor, biochemical industry, and auto parts, it strives to supplement, extend, and strengthen the chain, thus promoting the boosts of emerging industries in scale and quality.


New Energy Industry Cluster. Focusing on the key areas and links of photovoltaics and lithium batteries, it's committed to tackling tough problems in key projects, improving quality and efficiency, and cultivating industrial clusters. It's home to leading enterprises such as Triumph Technology, BYD, and Baoxin Technology. The Material Glass New Material Research Institute of China National Building Material Group, located in Bengbu has completed and put into operation the world's first photovoltaic glass production line with one kiln and eight lines, creating many world firsts in one fell swoop. Power-generation glass by copper, indium, gallium, and selenide created the world's highest conversion rate, maintaining "the first place in China and even the world". The world's first marble pattern power generation glass with high technological content and architectural beauty was developed. Cadmium telluride power generation glass supports the green Winter Olympics. It accelerates the application of building-integrated photovoltaics and builds the world's largest single-scale thin-film photovoltaic building-integrated application demonstration project.


New Display Industry Cluster. A whole industry chain of high-purity quartz sand-high-strength cover glass, ultra-thin glass substrate, and flexible glass-ITO conductive glass-touch screen-display modules-end application products was formed. Through the strategy of attracting large and strong enterprises, it introduced a number of Fortune 500 companies and industry leaders such as K&D Technology, HiteVision, Shenzhen Dijing Optoelectronic Technology and Saint-Gobain. The self-developed 30-micron flexible foldable glass has reached the world's top level in product yield, leading the development of the global new display industry. The 8.5-generation TFT liquid crystal glass substrate which passed the 8K certification was introduced into the downstream large-scale industrial chain in batches, winning the first batch of 360,000 pieces of orders with over 100 million yuan. Also, it was awarded the excellent grade of comprehensive performance evaluation in the field of national key basic materials. The second phase of the project started, promoting "strengthening, complementing and extending chain" for the display industry. K&D Technology has seized market share and maintained its leading position in the display module industry. Its products have won mainstream customers at home and abroad, cultivating new profit growth points.


Smart Sensor Industry Cluster. It created industry leaders such as Anhui North Microelectronics Research Institute, Anhui XDLK Microsystem, and Sinomags Technology, covering all links in the industrial chain such as simulation design, wafer manufacturing, packaging testing, and application modules, emerging as the only one in the province and one of the few cities in the country that has both integrated circuit and MEMS wafer production lines. It is committed to building an industrial cluster with the largest number of independently controllable cores, the most complete types of sensors, and an output value exceeding 100 billion yuan, forming a domestic first-class and world-renowned China (Bengbu) Sensor Valley. Among them, Sinomags Technology, as an integrated manufacturing enterprise for magnetic sensors, is China-leading in multiple core capabilities such as magnetic sensor chip design, material preparation, wafer manufacturing, chip testing, and magnetic sensor module design and production. Moreover, it can realize entirely independent research and development, design, and production. Microprocessor MCU, intelligent power management, 5G voice transmission chip and other products independently developed and produced by Anhui Yuxin Semiconductor are distributed in major markets at home and abroad.


Biochemical Industry Cluster. Now three industrial chains of bio-based materials and bio-energy, bio-medicine, and new chemical materials have been initially formed. 91 industrial enterprises above the designated size are converged here, like COFCO, BBCA Group, and Anhui Bayi Chemical Group. Bengbu is making every effort to build a world-class bio-based manufacturing center. Tableware and clothing commonly used in daily life can be made of polylactic acid extracted from biomass such as grains and straws, displaying superior green performance. With excellent green quality, BBCA Group has become the official supplier of biodegradable tableware for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics. The second polylactic acid production line with an annual output of 300,000 tons in Guzhen County is stepping up equipment installation and commissioning. After it is put into operation in August this year, the annual production of polylactic acid in Bengbu will reach 400,000 tons, becoming the world's largest new biological material Polylactic acid production base.


Auto Parts Industry Cluster. Anhui Province released The High-Quality Development Plan for Automobile Industry in Anhui Province (the 14th Five-Year Plan). It is proposed that by 2025, the automobile production scale of enterprises in the province will exceed 3 million, and the production of new energy vehicles will account for more than 40%, striving to become a global intelligent new energy vehicle innovation cluster, make breakthroughs in the cultivation of world-class automobile industry clusters, and make the output value of the province's automobile industry over one trillion yuan. Anhui Province is making efforts to develop new energy vehicles as the first industry. Bengbu, by virtue of its own advantages, is seizing this opportunity to accelerate the development of auto glass, vehicle displays, vehicle sensors, etc., striving to make the auto parts industry cluster bigger and stronger. Leading enterprises such as Phoenix International, Nobo Automobile Systems, and Anhui Gichi Tire gather here, forming industrial clusters represented by onboard displays, filters, clutches, and sensors.


III. Introduction to Investment Environment


Sufficient Element Support. Bengbu has sufficient resources such as electric heating and skilled workers. Guodian Bengbu Power Generation has built 4 generator sets of 600,000-kilowatt generators and a national distribution station for West-to-East Gas Transmission. In this regard, the price of gas here is lower than that of neighboring cities, and 150,000 skilled workers are trained every year. In terms of land use, it promotes the reform of "getting certificates immediately after obtaining land". Signing the land transfer contract is an indication of obtaining land use planning, building planning, building construction permits, residential instruction manuals, and residential quality assurance certificates. In terms of employment, a list of enterprises with labor shortage and a list of migrant workers have been established to fully meet the various employment needs of enterprises. In terms of funds, 12 new industrial investment funds with a value of 12.7 billion yuan, and 2 new entrepreneurship and innovation funds with a total value of 200 million yuan will be established this year.


Preferential Investment Policies. The provincial government has issued 20 measures to support the high-quality development of Bengbu. "China (Bengbu) Sensor Valley" is one of the three major industrial development platforms in the province supported by the provincial party committee and the provincial government. Preferential policies for fixed asset investment, technological innovation, financial support, and talent incentives are introduced. The first is to encourage the newly-introduced industrial projects. For newly established independent legal person enterprises with first investment of 50 million yuan or more and included in the fixed asset statistics database, subsidies can be given at 10%-15% of the fixed asset investment. The second is to encourage foreign direct investment. For foreign direct investment projects with an actual capital contribution of 10 million dollars and above or foreign direct investment projects with a newly established (including capital increase) contractual foreign capital of 5 million dollars and above and also more than 30% of the actual capital received within one year, a one-time reward of RMB 0.01 per dollar will be given. The third is to implement referrer rewards. The incentive policies are launched for social referrals of investment promotion. Units or individuals who introduce investors from outside the city to invest in our city and promote the implementation of the project will be awarded a maximum reward of 10 million.


Excellent Business Environment. Industrial Internet thinking is applied to optimize the government's work process. The municipal party committee and the municipal government regularly visit enterprises, organize on-site work, and offer quick service for enterprises. The business environment is incorporated into the key tasks of the municipal government. For example, "list plus account canceling" shall be dispatched monthly, "one code pass" and "one license pass" shall be promoted, and license information issued by 18 types of departments shall be implemented by "one-window acceptance, one-time approval, and one-license certificate". The Bengbu Enterprise Service Platform has been built, and the enterprise support funds can be viewed and handled through the network and delivered with one click. The work of enterprise assistance, customer and recruitment assistance, and project assistance is put into effect and the round-the-clock government service map will be promoted nationwide. The "thousands of enterprises and individuals commented on the section chief" has been carried out to promote reforms with reviews and then improve works with reforms, thus eliminating the obstruction in serving the enterprise.

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